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Achieve More Happiness By Distancing Yourself from Negative Influences

๐™„ ๐™˜๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ '๐™‹๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™จ๐™ฅ๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š'.

You've all heard this phrase 'You are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with.' 
Its a great phrase but it's not exactly true. You are the average of everything that comes into your proximity (your sphere).

You could have 20 incredible friends but if you have just one toxic person in your sphere, they will have an impact on you. Just like a crystal clear glass of water with a drop of black dye. You won't see much if its just one drop but there will be a very small tint.

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Toxic relationships.
Negative self-talk.
Gossip and drama.
Energy-draining environments.
Chronic complainers.
Negativity-fueled media and news sources.
Toxic work environments.
People who constantly criticize or judge others.
Negative-minded friends or family members.
Environments that trigger anxiety or stress.

For most people it would be completely difficult to eliminate all of these, but you can always...

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The Art of Selling Without Selling: Tips for Business Owners to Outperform 95% of Sales Professionals

Do you want to know how to be better than 95% of professional sales people out there, I’m talking about people who specifically do sales as their sole source of income? 

It’s not hard and I’m going to tell you how to do this in this email.  

The past few weeks I've gotten so many sale pitches that missed the mark. 

Want to know what’s missing in all of these?  

This will shock you when you hear the answer because it’s so basic. 

None of these guys took the time to find out ‘what’ it is that I want, they just go into the selling.  

They never asked what I wanted. And the crazy thing is, I have money that I’m willing to hand over if they can help me with what I need. 

On some of them, I even told them what I wanted and they completely ignored me and tried again to sell me on what it is that they wanted to sell me. 

Recently I got asked to participate in a sales role play where...

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Why Being a Go-Giver is the Ultimate Business Strategy

Is it bad or good to give away a lot of stuff for free? 

By that I mean, doing free trainings, free coaching, free resources?  

Will you be discounting your worth when you give out free stuff? 

Will you attract ‘freebie seekers’ that will never pay? 

If I give too much away, won’t it be hard for me to charge people? 

Won’t I be giving away all of my secrets?  

In my experience: “the more I give away, the more that comes my way”.  

If you know me I’m a nerd about abundance and any worries about giving aways stuff for free comes from a scarcity mindset, let’s blow up some of these limiting beliefs: 

Freebie seekers – yes, there are those people who will resist paying for anything. But why should I not try to help them? The truth is, the people who are unwilling to pay for anything end up hurting themselves the most because they try to figure out everything on their own....

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How To Recover From An Online Mistake: Strategies For Digital Mishaps

Ah that feeling of anxiety when you mess up something online.  

The other day I blasted out an email without sending myself a test email, breaking one of my own rules and then after it goes out to +2k people I realize that I forgot to remove the headline in the template that says: 

“Paying for coaching is a waste of time” 

I’m sure some of my recipients were like…..this makes no sense? Well, that’s what happened, I went too fast and didn’t remove a headline from an email template that I set up. 

If you are doing business online its probably happened to you, if not, it will, but I thought I’d turn this into a fun blog post and share some stories and a few tips on how to recover from an online mistake. 

I'm talking about a social media blunder, sending out an incorrect link to an online event, email error or other forms of digital mishaps. 

I’ve been locked out of my Zoom account 2 minutes...

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How to make it easier for buyers to hand you money!

Hello my friends!

Today I wanted to share an easy way that you can make it easier for your clients to do business with you: by removing barriers for them.

They say if you are just starting a workout routine, the easiest way to get in the habit of going to the gym is to get all your stuff ready the night before so you can just grab and go.

Same with prepping your meals for the week, its so much easier to eat healthy if you have planned ahead and prepared all of your meals ahead of time.

When you do this, you are removing friction from the habits that you are looking to build.

You can do the same for your clients, by removing as many steps or barriers as you can.

Here’s a few ideas on how to remove friction and barriers to doing business:

Doing business online: If you are doing business online, make sure your checkout pages and email opt in pages have as few form fields as possible.

For every data field that you add, the more likely the client will abandon that page. On your...

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How to create a professional LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is more than just a social networking platform for professionals - it's a website within one of the largest search directories in the world!

With over 800 million users, your LinkedIn profile has the potential to make a big impact on your career and your brand.

The first thing that people will check out is your profile page, and they will do it far before doing business with you so it's important to make a good first impression. 

Here are the 7 things I look for in a profile page when I am scoping out someone's profile:

  1. Make sure the headline tells what you do, who you help and how you help them. Don't just use your title.
  2. Completed About Section, this is a perfect place to tell a story about YOU! You can use your story to help people relate to the same struggles they are having. 
  3. Attractive headshot but not a stuffy one. I'm all for professional but make sure you don't look like a used car salesman. Make sure it reflects YOU.
  4. Use the featured section to send...
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Master Your Digital Life: Simple Steps to Boost Productivity and Save Time

If you’ve followed me or my content for a while, you know that I LOVE time hacking! 

Time hacking has a lot to do with your mindset, feelings and beliefs around time and less about strategy. 

But still, strategy around time does have its merits! 

Lately I’ve been investing some time to clean up what I’m not using so there’s less mental clutter to take up the precious space in my mind.  

Things that ‘hang out there’ will suck up your mental bandwidth without you even realizing it.  

Here are 5 things I’m doing right now to reclaim more bandwidth in my life: 

#1 Tightening up my inbox – anything I’m not currently interested in gets the unsubscribe button. I’ll keep value driven emails but if its pure marketing emails with no substance, I know where to find them if I need them.  

#2  Tighten up your notifications – grab your phone right now and trim...

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Catch Your Audience's Attention: The Power of Hooks in Marketing

I became OBSESSED with this skill to level up my business.

Want to know one of the least talked about, yet most powerful skills you can develop? 

This is something that can 10x your business, help you get better in sales, help you get a job, become better at content creation, and even potentially help you discover your soulmate. 

I know, that’s a bold statement, but read on and I’ll explain.  

A few years back I was told about the concept of ‘creating a good hook’ when creating posts on LinkedIn. 

If you’ve been in the content game, you already know what a hook is.  

If you don’t know, a hook is an opening statement (or image) in content that attempts to grab the reader's attention so that they want to keep on reading, watching, or listening.  

Most people think, ‘yeah, I get it, use a hook so people stop and read your post’…. 

This email is not about creating hooks… ...

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3 sales levers you can use to CRUSH more deals!

Here are 3 important ‘sales levers’ you can use in your sales process that I LOVE to use! 

Best of all, they can help your clients GET RESULTS by working with you, and keeping you accountable to helping them with results.  

ROI, COI and Infinite returns. 

Most of you have heard of ROI (return on investment).  

ROI is how much an investment in YOU will return for one of your clients.  

If your business helps others to (a) make more money, (b) save more money, or (c) save more time, then make sure you are using this in your marketing and your discussions with your clients. 

Make sure it is quantifiable and make sure you are creating case studies or testimonials.  

Show them that working with you is an investment with a return.  

COI (ROI’s lesser-known brother) 


COI could be applicable when your client is losing money, losing time, losing resources or in...

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5 Fun Ways To 10X Your Selling Potential

5 ๐™๐™๐™‰ ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ฎ๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™ค 10๐™ญ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™จ๐™–๐™ก๐™š๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™–๐™ก...

(without being sleazy, high pressure or sales-ey)

1- Sales is a transfer of ENTHUSIASM !

Make sure you love what you do, make sure you BELIEVE in your offers, make sure you are bought in on the potential for you to be able to make an impact!

2 - Raise your frequency !

Pause before you hop on a call and check in with yourself to see if you are in a peak state!

If you need to Amp up or dial down your energy try these:

Meditation, visualization, breathwork, affirmations, music.

3 - The question game :

See if you can go an entire call without making a statement, ask only questions! Train yourself to be a master detective!

4 - Role play with a friend

Channel the inner kid in you and do some role playing with a friend or colleague and help each other improve and explore new angles!

5 - Ditch the script !

Stop sounding like a robot. Craft out a script so you have some guidance of where to go next but practice your flow and improvisation so you can sound more...

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